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At Care for America’s Workers, there are several steps to our delivery of quality care coordination.

Once enrolled, a member of the care coordination team contacts you to:

  1. Complete an initial health screen, which will allow us to better serve you.
  2. Make an appointment for a care coordinator to see you in the location of your preference, your home or a clinic.
  3. Assist you to identify your health and healthcare needs and goals.
  4. Help you identify any additional services or financial resources you may need or qualify for and help you to obtain those services.
  5. Provide ongoing monitoring to assist you in identifying changes in your healthcare needs.
  6. Provide assistance in helping you manage your medications.
  7. Provide education and education materials to answer any questions you have.
  8. Assist you in knowing what symptoms you can manage at home, when you need to call your doctor, and when you need to go to the emergency room.
  9. Assist you in developing skills to complete the activities you may need to do in order to manage your health conditions.